Sara Hildén Art Museum — Tampere, Finland
with Twelve Forty One (UK)
The design of the new Sara Hildén Art Museum revolves around the finding of a balanced proportion within those components, striving to generate a space that connects to the city and the neighborhood at large, without hiding its strong lineaments in pursuing of an educate identity.
The whole neighborhood is currently experiencing a vibrant change of scenery, historic buildings have been adapted to house young businesses, attracting investors, generating a progressive form of urbanity much more educated and sensitive to the understanding and appreciation of the heritage through a dynamic form of experiencing contrasts.
The ground floor of the new Sara Hildén Museum anchors to that kind of newly educated urbanity, offering a set of public functions, such as a cafe, museum shop, public workshop, foyer, and street gallery accessible to the whole community.
Mostly transparent the entire floor act as a plinth that supports the volumes above, allowing a see through without obstructing the view to the park and simultaneously establishes a strong connection with the TR34 headquarters across the street, a building defined by a distinctive set of historic lineaments.